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Resin bond diamond wheels

Author: Published:2015-02-02 Views:938

Diamond resin grinding wheel of high hardness, high strength, strong grinding capability, suitable for the machining of hard and brittle materials, such as hard alloy, ceramics, agate, optical glass, semiconductor materials and wear resistant cast iron.
Resin bond diamond wheels has good polishing effect, grinding wheel sharp, not easy to be blocked, specific features are as follows:
1 high grinding efficiency, at the same time, the consumption of grinding wheel is relatively slow;
2 self sharpening, grinding heat is small, not easy to be blocked, reducing the work appeared the phenomenon of grinding burn;
3 wheel has certain elasticity, improves the surface roughness, is mainly used for fine grinding, fine grinding, knife grinding, semi polishing process;
4 resin bond diamond wheels are cured at low temperature, short production cycle, equipment and supply process is relatively simple; for resin with liquidity, easy to shape complexity of the grinding wheel.
Resin bond diamond wheels (resin knife grinding wheel) according to the product model number for the election (parallel to the wheel, parallel with arc grinding wheel, grinding wheel, double concave double bevel wheel, bowl type grinding wheel) etc..
Use: parallel wheel: mainly used for hard alloy cylindrical grinding and cutting edge processing
Parallel with arc grinding wheel: mainly used for hard alloy grinding and form grinding arc surface
Double concave grinding wheel: mainly used for grinding the gage and non core grinding turbine
Double bevel wheel: it is mainly used for the forming grinding of cemented carbide gear hob, thread cutting tool
A bowl shaped grinding wheel: mainly used for hard alloy cutting tools, high-speed steel tool grinding, can also be used for milling.

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